Easy Auth API Reference | ExWeiv Apps

Easy Auth Setup

This package is built for developers and not for beginners instead it's more focusced for advanced users/developers. The goal of this package is give you ability to integrate popular OAuth options with your Wix website via Velo + JS. You'll find ready to use APIs to integrate OAuth apps with full customization or use few extra APIs for direct setup with less customization.

You can read more about APIs in this docs. You can import OAuth options with their names like this:

import { discord } from "@exweiv/easy-auth";

You can also import general OAuth helpers that's actually using Velo APIs like this:

import { oauth } from "@exweiv/easy-auth";

oauth object will give you some functions to integrate oauth options with Wix Members quickly with less customization. If you want full customization you can build your own sing in and sign up process.

Read docs to understand functions and how to use them.

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